Diabetes is an increasingly common condition in Australia and worldwide. It's the fastest growing chronic disease in Australia. It's estimated that 160 million people have diabetes worldwide, with this number doubling by 2025. Higher levels of obesity and increasingly sedentary lifestyles have been attributed to this.
The AusDiab study was the first comprehensive study of the rates of diabetes in Australia. It was initially conducted in 2001 and its results estimate that 7.4% of Australians have diabetes, half of whom are undiagnosed. Many patients with diabetes are undiagnosed because someone may have diabetes for many years before developing symptoms. However, it's well documented that finding and treating diabetes early is the key to preventing complications of the disease and improving future quality and length of life.
Complications of diabetes include cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, amputations, eye disease and increased mortality. Someone with diabetes is 2 to 4 times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. This means that 65-85% of patients of diabetes will die of coronary artery disease. It's estimated that 15% of diabetics have a degree of kidney disease. Diabetes is the second most common reason for needing dialysis. 5% of diabetics will develop foot ulcers and as a consequence diabetes is the most common cause for amputations that are non related to accidents or traumas. Unfortunately most of the amputations associated with diabetes are preventable. Diabetes is also the leading cause of blindness under the age of 60.
Yes, that's a lot of information to take in. At Pandanus Medical Practice, we encourage patients to seek treatment early to avoid or delay the development of complications associated with diabetes.
The AusDiab study was the first comprehensive study of the rates of diabetes in Australia. It was initially conducted in 2001 and its results estimate that 7.4% of Australians have diabetes, half of whom are undiagnosed. Many patients with diabetes are undiagnosed because someone may have diabetes for many years before developing symptoms. However, it's well documented that finding and treating diabetes early is the key to preventing complications of the disease and improving future quality and length of life.
Complications of diabetes include cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, amputations, eye disease and increased mortality. Someone with diabetes is 2 to 4 times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. This means that 65-85% of patients of diabetes will die of coronary artery disease. It's estimated that 15% of diabetics have a degree of kidney disease. Diabetes is the second most common reason for needing dialysis. 5% of diabetics will develop foot ulcers and as a consequence diabetes is the most common cause for amputations that are non related to accidents or traumas. Unfortunately most of the amputations associated with diabetes are preventable. Diabetes is also the leading cause of blindness under the age of 60.
Yes, that's a lot of information to take in. At Pandanus Medical Practice, we encourage patients to seek treatment early to avoid or delay the development of complications associated with diabetes.